Monday, January 26, 2009


Okay, remember the TRS-80 and machines that booted up into an interpreter for the BASIC language on start-up ? You could get right down to doing stuff.

Try this. ... It's fun and easy...

1) Cut 'n paste your program into the BASIC program box.
2) Hit the RUN button in the Controls box.
3) "Instantly" see your output in the Output or Canvas Box.

10 Print "Hello World."

or here is a bit longer program that threw together quickly.

10 REM Scott Haley KD5NJR

20 REM SWR program
21 Let F = 0
22 Let R = 0
23 Let T = 0
24 Let B = 0
25 Let S = 0

30 Input "Enter Forward Power"; F
32 Input "Enter Reverse Power";R

40 REM SWR= [1 + sqrt(r/f)] / [1 - sqrt(r/f)]
41 Let T = 1 + sqr(R/F)
42 Let B = 1 - sqr(R/F)
43 Let S = T / B

50 Print "SWR is computed :"
51 Print S

60 END

Try it out and lemme know how you like it ?

1. Erase out the existing program from the text box.
2. Use cut 'n paste to easily put the new program in.
3. Press Run.
4. Enter a value like 15 for 15W Forward Power.
5. Enter a value like 0.1 for 0.1W Reflected Power.
6. Program gives 1.17 for SWR.

Do you have any other quick jobs or common applications that you could use QuiteBASIC for ?
I think it might be good for jobs small enough you don't need an Excel spreadsheet for.
Or need a more complicated program for.

And, you can share code with others.


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