Friday, July 31, 2009

Snapshot the Day

The Dayton Hamvention seems to be one of the great events in Ham Radio. A lot of folks go. Tons of junk in the tail-gate section. Vendors galore inside. But, not everyone has a pile of surplus cash, or vacation days for this great road trip. Fortunately, there is a lot of Hamvention stuff on the Internet including a bunch of pictures on Flickr.

Without further ado, the Snapshot of the Day:

Favorite 2m Rig ?

A lot of us folks meet on the 146.910 and 145.450 repeaters pretty regularly.

That made me wonder if anyone had a favorite 2m rig.
I'll start things off. I have 2 favorite rigs. The first is one I "won" from eBay. It was an all-mode rig that came out of a guy's canoe in the Northeast supposedly. Fortunately, no real signs of corrosion. Here's an example photo:

(It's meant to be run QRP with the front antenna port, or there is a snap-on linear amp for the back of the unit.)

My other favorite rig (no tone board, so just for .45) is the Kenwood TS-700.

I drug one home from Ada Hamfest some time ago. It's older than I am. I get great comments on the audio of this rig. AM / FM / CW / SSB. Built in AC power supply. There is a minimum of high-tech parts in this thing. Weighs a ton (20 lb.)

Both these rigs have been used to call the Monday Night Nets in the past.

What do you guys run ?

73 de KD5NJR

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ham Radio Breakfast

Hey guys, Don't forget to see Bob, Virginia, Stan and all the rest of the gang at the Saturday morning breakfast coming up at the Golden Corral at 71st and Mingo. 0800.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Repeater Work on 145.450

Click to enlarge

On Friday July 17th several Ham Radio Operators worked on the 145.450 Repeater
On site:
Earl (WB5UUW)
Guy (WB5MXO)
Stan (KE5LEP)
Ray (KE5WGA)
Jerrye (KE5VZH)
Don (KE5OMV)
Cat (KE5OMU)
Ron (KB5VDB)
John (N5TBM)